Donation Opportunities |
The G Scale Kingman Canyon Railroad, IRS Non-profit Status EIN 82-6621242, is seeking the donation of money, train engines and cars, track, scenery, buildings, model train accessories, 1/24 scale Die Cast Vehicles, layout lighting, track signaling, and G Scale Model Railroad Figures.
Donations of all scales of trains are accepted, individual items, and collections real and model. If you have a valued transportation artifact, be it books, pictures, vehicles related to railroading in general, uniforms, time-tables, lanterns or anything else, we are would be delighted to help you share it with a large number of appreciative people.
If you or someone you know has model train items that are no longer used, or are thinking of thinning a collection, please consider donating them to the Kingman Canyon Railroad as a possible tax deduction. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and can accept such charitable contributions.
Donated items may be used in a number of ways. What we cannot use we may trade with others, combine with other items for sale, sold at model railroad swap meets or raffled off at public events.
Our policy on donations is to accept them without restriction, to be used and/or sold as best suited for the Kingman Canyon Railroad. The funds received from the sale of surplus materials are used to purchase other materials or otherwise support the development of the Kingman Canyon Railroad. Original materials donated, such as photographs, may also be reproduced in future publications.
If you have a cherished item such as a classic automobile or coin collection it can be challenging to decide what to do with them. As our lives change we sometimes, regretfully, have to make difficult decisions about how to take care of things we have acquired along our journey. Simply selling these cherished items is often an unpleasant way to take care of this touchy situation. Making a donation to Kingman Canyon Railroad will esteem your gift as much as you do makes a lot of sense.
Donate Your Old Trains |
If you're contemplating getting rid of an old train set, or equipment for one, if you or someone you know has model train items that are no longer used, or are thinking of thinning a collection, please consider donating them to the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust as a possible tax strategy.
Our primary operating scale is G but plans for the future include a toy train museum. We are always interested in donations of all scales of model railroad layouts, locomotives, rolling stock, buildings, scenery materials, tools or reference materials. |
We are always looking for donations of all scales of trains, individual items, and collections real and model. If you have a valued transportation artifact, be it books, pictures, vehicles related to railroading in general, uniforms, time-tables, lanterns or anything else, we are would be delighted to help you share it with a large number of appreciative people.
If someone you love has passed and you are wanting to donate the collection or if you are handling the affairs of an estate, we can help. We prefer that you contact us directly at first to determine your needs, by email or you may also call us at 928 757-4626. Either way, it helps if you have some general information regarding the scale, condition and size of the collection.
For smaller collections you will need to pack them up and send them to us via the post office or UPS. Both provide pick up service. For large collections we will travel just about anywhere to pick up a collection. When we arrive, we will proceed to handle all of the packing and loading.
We do our best to make it easy on you. We want you to know your trains will be well taken care of. We respond quickly and accept everything including scenery, parts (new/broken), all scales of G, O, HO, N, Z, toys, parts, junk, track, etc.
This process will be arranged in a case-by-case basis depending on how far you are from Kingman, Arizona. Contact us and we will work with you to come up with a plan. We can provide a notice of receipt if you are planning to use the donation as a tax strategy. |
Amazon Shoppers |
Shop and Donate Using Amazon Smile.
Did you know you can use Amazon to donate to your favorite organization? Use the Amazon Smile link and enter "Kingman Canyon Railroad" to donate a portion of your purchases to our model train layout. A portion of eligible purchases will be donated to the museum. |
Sponsor A Shipping Container |
Put your business or family information on the side of one of our shipping containers. We use your graphics to create an interesting display or if you wish you can provide us with the graphic. |
A one-time donation of $500.00 funds a container. The container will be customized to represent your business based on your art work. The container will run on our layout and be shown on a page with other sponsored containers with a direct link to your website. |
Our first sponsor of a container was Prince Pools of Kingman, Arizona in December of 2017. They were excited about our project. When you have a chance, visit their website at PrincePools.com |
Track & Switches Donation |
The cost of the track alone is about $5.00 to $8.00 per foot. That does not include balast and other expenses in the laying of the track. In our initial layout we will be needing about 300 feet of track plus various switches.
Switches run $55.00 to $295.00 each and we estimate we will need about 15 to 20 for our benches, mobil display and out-door track. |
Donate For
Track & Switches |
$155.00 |
$75.00 |
$55.00 |
$295.00 |
$45.00 |
$30.00 |
Donate $1,000.00 for track & switches |
Receive An Empire Builders Certificate
Donate $500.00 for track & switches |
Receive A Track Engineer Certificate |
Donate $100.00 for track & switches |
Receive A Gandy Dancer Certificate |
After You Have Made Your Donation,
will be forwarded to a thank you page.
Choose the link that matches your donation. |
Circus Donations |
Help us build the circus portion of our G scale railroad. Make a donation in your own name or donate to honor a family member or friend. What a great way to remember back to when you went to the circus. And grandma and grand dad enjoyed it too. |
For Circus Ringmaster, Trainmaster, Conductor or Brakeman donations
you will receive a personalized plaque,
and prominent mention on the circus donation page. |
Donation |
Trainmaster |
Donation |
Circus Train Conductor |
Donation |
Circus Train Brakeman |
Donation |
Circus Donation |
$1,000.00 Circus Donation |
Donate $1,000.00 to our circus fund and you, a friend or a family member will receive
one of the following personalized certificates suitable for framing and prominent mention on the circus donation page. |
After You Have Made Your Donation of $1,000.00,
will be forwarded to a thank you page.
Choose the link to "Circus Occupation" |
Circus Animal Trainer |
Circus Flying Trapeze Artist
Circus Clown |
Circus Juggler |
Circus Sharp Shooter |
Circus Musician |
Circus Lion Tamer |
Circus Tattooed Lady |
Circus Dancer |
Circus Bareback Rider |
Circus Unicyclist |
Circus Aerial Gymnast |
Circus Horse Teamster |
Circus Roustabout |
Circus Costume Designer |
Circus Magician |
Circus Acrobat |
Circus Artistic Cycler |
Circus Contortionist |
Circus Tiny Car Driver |
Circus Fire Breather |
Circus Snake Charmer |
Circus Elephant Trainer |
Circus Elephant Rider |
Circus Stilt Walker |
Circus Escape Artist |
Circus Tightrope Walker |
Circus Club Swinger |
Circus Baton Twirler |
Circus Sideshow Barker |
Circus Strongman |
Circus Calliope Player |
The donation of individual G Scale Circus Railroad Cars, Accessories and Diorama items are always welcome. |
G Scale Work Train |
On our wish list we are seeking a G Scale work train set of cars. There are 9 cars listed, some with multibule cars sought.
The total price is $1,717.30 + shipping. We are seeking donations for the purchase of this group of cars in the amount of $2,000.00. |
Donate $2,000.00
For The
G Scale Work Train |
1/32 Scale Vehicles |
Donate For
1/32 Scale Vehicles |
All types and eras of vehicles are needed for the various parts of the layout. Cars, trucks, tractors, construction equipment and army vehicles.
Feel free to send whatever you would like or donate and we will purchase what is most needed. |
G Scale Buildings |
Donate For
G Scale Buildings |
We are planning a time-line of railroading depicted by segments, including the industrial revolution, settlement of the west , the Civil War, freight and passenger service 1900 to 1930, World War II, the 1950 - 2000, and 2000 forward. |
The second distinct area will be a depiction of historic Route 66 starting at Chicago and ending in Santa Monica. There are many cities and towns to choose from to promote along the way. |
Feel free to also send whatever you might like. We noticed there are many laser cut kits available, we plan to use local volunteers for the assembly. |
Feel free to send us any car you like. You can also donate
on the link above and we will buy what is needed the most. |
Donate Building Materials |
Donate For
Building Materials |
Donate $100.00, $250.00, $500.00, or more. |
Donate Electrical Materials |
Donate For
Electrical Materials |
Donate $100.00, $250.00,
$500.00, or more. |
Donate Landscaping Materials |
Donate For
Landscaping Materials |
Donate $100.00, $250.00,
$500.00, or more. |
Personalized Donation
Acknowledgement Plaques |
"I Support" Plaque
Donate $250.00
Receive an 8" x 10" Plaque
Personalized with up to 20 characters |
Donate $250.00 For
"I Support Plaque" |
After You Have Made Your Donation of $250.00,
will be forwarded to a thank you page.
Choose the link to "I Support Plaque" |
"We Support" Plaque
Donate $250.00
Receive an 8" x 10" Plaque
Personalized with up to 20 characters |
Donate $250.00 For
"We Support Plaque" |
After You Have Made Your Donation of $250.00,
will be forwarded to a thank you page.
Choose the link to "I Support Plaque" |
Personalized Donation Acknowledgement Cups |
Logo Side |
Donate $150.00 and receive
a personalized
coffee cup
with your name on it.
Your choice, either "I Support" or "We Support".
Personalized with
up to
25 characters,
type size based on
the number of characters.
Example Back Side |
Example Back Side |
Donate For
"I Support" Donation
Acknowledgement Cup |
Donate For
"We Support" Donation
Acknowledgement Cup |
After You Have Made Your Donation of $150.00,
will be forwarded to a thank you page.
Choose the link to "I Support Cups" or "We Support Cups" |
Remember Us / Memorials
Can Be Very Helpful
Beneficiary Designations
Are Easy and Flexible
There are many ways to give - through gifts to our Annual Fund, matching gifts, planned gifts or through donations made in tribute to a friend or family member. Your continued support ensures that we continue this tradition for generations to come. Your donations make a difference and we invite you to help us carry on our mission.
Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their will or estate. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using:
- IRAs and retirement plans
- Life insurance policies
- Commercial annuities
It only takes three, simple steps to make this type of gift.
- Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
- Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
- Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.
We ask that you name us in your Wills and or Trusts as a beneficiary for real estate, stocks, bonds, or bank accounts. These can be in the form of the above, or immediate donations. There are great tax advantages for you in doing these things. Your own attorney or advisor can work with you on. Your help in these areas is one of the things that will keep our organization sound on into the future.
More lasting gifts to the Kingman Canyon Railroad can be structured through the use of estate planning. Through the Kingman Canyon Railroad Endowment Program and with the help of appropriate professionals, the Kingman Canyon Railroad can be remembered as a bequest in a will or trust.
The Kingman Canyon Railroad encourages foundations, corporations and private individuals to consider following our current supporters' by providing 100% tax deductible funding, gift donations and/or in-kind contributions to support the Kingman Canyon Railroad's capital campaign and educational & community service oriented mission, vision and goals. |
Since you're going to the store...
Most folks think operating the Kingman Canyon Railroad only takes paying the electric bill, the building rent, and maintenance on equipment, there is so much more.
A lot of money is actually spent on more mundane, yet equally important expenses such as cleaning, office, and restroom supplies, utility bills, etc. |
Think of the items that are required to run your typical household. We use them too, just in greater quantities! When shopping, if you see a particular item that the museum uses, please consider picking up extra and donating it to the museum.
Even such simple items as light bulbs and copy paper are used frequently at the museum, and when we have to purchase these items, that means we have less money to spend on "railroad" expenses. |
Money Is Thankfully Received |
Money is the gift that never offends and is constantly useful! Donate now, we will appreciate it. A donation, however large or small goes a long way towards helping us not only keep the lights on, the doors open and the trains rolling, but to expand and improve our visitors experience now and into the future. |
Business Sponsorship Program |
We offer a Sponsorship Program of annual giving to help
build our facilities and train collection,
and to expand our layout and future museum. Click Here For Information |
Kingman Canyon Railroad values donations made through our Go fund Me campaigns. Currently we have 3 campaigns, Development Location, Land Purchase, and Build Permanent Layout. Click here for additional information and to donate. |
Our goal is to collect and display
$25,000.00 in pennies. |
There's more than $10.5 billion in loose change
sitting idle in American homes. Send yours to us. |
Whatever change you have in your change jar, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters can be sent but what we really want just for the fun of displaying is your pennies. |
A friend has a secure place to store them while we get them collected. |
Send them to Kingman Canyon Railroad, 465 Anson Smith Road, Kingman, AZ 86409 |
We Would Like To Build
A Lego Village |
We could use an estimate 5 million bricks, minifigures, specialty parts and sets to build our village on the permanent layout.
So dig out those old Lego's and send them to us for our project. |
Send your Lego to Kingman Canyon Railroad, 465 Anson Smith Road, Kingman, AZ 86409 |
1:64 scale vehicles wanted
for our future HO scale
trains layout and displays. |
While our primary emphasis
is on G Scale railroading, when we move into a permanent layout we would like to have a small section of HO. Send your Hotwheels and Matchbox vehicles to Kingman Canyon Railroad, 465 Anson Smith Road, Kingman, AZ 86409 |
Our Mailing
Shipping Address |
Kingman Canyon Railroad
465 Anson Smith Road
Kingman, Arizona 86409 |
We do not paying the shipping cost to us.
We do not buy trains, or anything else from individuals.
We do not appraise model or real railroad collections. |
It is worth mentioning that Kingman Canyon Railroad receives no funding whatsoever
from the city, the state or the federal government. |
Kingman Canyon Railroad is a 501(c)(3) Organization.
Your donations to the Kingman Canyon Railroad
for the most part, a charitable donation. As always, consult your financial advisors for full details
on how a charitable donation may benefit your individual financial situation. |
We are an Arizona Organization with full IRS Non-profit Status EIN 82-6621242 |
Have it Appraised
If You Want A Tax Deduction |