Donation Beneficiary Information
Print out this information and share it with your Tax and/or Estate Planning Professionals

The G Scale Kingman Canyon Railroad, IRS Non-profit Status EIN 82-6621242, is seeking the donation of money, train engines and cars, track, scenery, buildings, model train accessories, 1/24 Die Cast Vehicles, layout lighting, track signaling, and G Scale Model Railroad Figures & People. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and can accept such charitable contributions.

Remember Us / Memorials Can Be Very Helpful

We ask that you name us in your Wills and or Trusts as a beneficiary for real estate, stocks, bonds, or bank accounts. These can be in the form of the above, or immediate donations. There are great tax advantages for you in doing these things. Your own attorney or advisor can work with you on. Your help in these areas is one of the things that will keep our organization sound on into the future.

More lasting gifts to the Kingman Canyon Railroad can be structured through the use of estate planning. Through the Kingman Canyon Railroad Endowment Program and with the help of appropriate professionals, the Kingman Canyon Railroad can be remembered as a bequest in a will or trust.

The Kingman Canyon Railroad encourages foundations, corporations and private individuals to consider following our current supporters' by providing 100% tax deductible funding, gift donations and/or in-kind contributions to support the Kingman Canyon Railroad's capital campaign and educational & community service oriented mission, vision and goals.

There are many ways to give - through gifts to our Annual Fund, matching gifts, planned gifts or through donations made in tribute to a friend or family member. Your continued support ensures that we continue this tradition for generations to come. Your donations make a difference and we invite you to help us carry on our mission.

Our mailing address is:

Kingman Canyon Railroad
465 Anson Smith Road
Kingman, Arizona 86409

Kingman Canyon Railroad is a 501(c)(3) Organization. Your donations to the Kingman Canyon Railroad are for the most part, a charitable donation. As always, consult your financial advisors for full details.
We are an Arizona Organization with full IRS Non-profit Status EIN 82-6621242
Our CFO, Henry Varga is a CPA with a great deal of experience. Have your professional contact Henry to co-ordinate your donation.
Henry W Varga PLC
Certified Public Accountants
2001 N Stockton Hill Rd Ste B
Kingman, AZ 86401
Telephone: (928) 753-1307
Fax: (928) 753-1341
One of the most popular ways to give is through a will or living trust. You can leave almost any type of asset to the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust: cash, securities, personal property, retirement account remainders, trains or real estate.
If you are considering leaving a gift through your will to the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust, below is suggested language to share with your attorney:

To leave the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust a percentage amount of the remainder, after all other gifts:
"All (or state __ %) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my property, I give, devise, and bequeath to the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust, 2001 N. Stockton Hill Road, Suite B, Kingman, Arizona 86401, for its general purposes."

To leave the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust a specific gift of cash, trains, or other personal property:
"I give, devise and bequeath to the Kingman Canyon Railroad Trust, 2001 N. Stockton Hill Road, Suite B, Kingman, Arizona 84401, the sum of $______________ (or here otherwise describe the gifts) for its general purposes."

After your gift is arranged, please reach out and let us know.
IRS Information on Donating
Charitable Contributions
Determining the Value of Donated Property
Noncash Charitable Contributions Form
Use This Online Form To Contact Us About A Donation
Check Boxes Of Interest
Contact Me About Sponsoring A Shipping Container
Interested in Estate Planning
Contact me about a local car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat donation.
Contact me about a train related donation
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Brief Summary of donation and/or other comments.


NOTE: By submitting this form, you are giving your written consent,
allowing us the right to contact you by telephone regardless if
your number is on the National Do Not Call Registry.

To sign this agreement electronically, check the 'Yes, I understand' box below.
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IRS Non-profit Approval
Copyright 2015, 2017, 2018