Business Sponsorship Program
Kingman Canyon Railroad is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of a G Scale attraction here in Kingman, Arizona. As a 501c(3) non-profit Organization, we depend upon the support of our donors and visitors to help maintain our garden railway project. And we want you to be part of this future.

That's why we offer a Sponsorship Program to help build and expand our layout and to develope a museum. We are currently moving forward on plans for a new building, operational trackage, expanded displays and archives.

This effort is two-fold. Your monetary support helps to build a bigger and better attraction, resulting in more visitors to Kingman, Arizona. Visitors who will shop in our local stores, stay at our hotels and motels, and eat in our restaurants. The Kingman Canyon Railroad can be an economic engine that helps generate tourism dollars for the city and surrounding area. So please support the Kingman Canyon Railroad.
SILVER LEVEL: Annual sponsorship of $300
  Benefits include:
  Business name and contact are displayed on Kingman Canyon Railroad website
with link to contact info and / or business website.
  Business can choose one day a year when two employees get free admission.
GOLD LEVEL: Annual sponsorship of $1,000
  Benefits include:
  Business name, logo and contact are displayed on Kingman Canyon Railroad website
with link to your contact info and / or business website.
  Business name will go on a SPONSOR board on the museum property.
  Business can choose one day a year when their employees get free admission.
Kingman Canyon Railroad is a 501(c)(3) Organization. Your donations to the Kingman Canyon Railroad
are for the most part, a charitable donation. As always, consult your financial advisors for full details.
The G Scale Kingman Canyon Railroad, IRS Non-profit Status EIN 82-6621242
IRS Non-profit Approval
Copyright 2015, 2017, 2018